Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

During the production and making of ‘First Time’ we come across a few risk factors but managed to overcome them in a simple manor and by altering some of the plans.

1. One of the scenes that we did took place on an overhead bridge above the A127 one of the busiest roads in Romford, Essex. The plan was for Ms Sarra to tear up a love letter given to her by Tears and then chuck it in the air so that it could be edited into slow motion. However, unfortunately on the evening we filmed it was very windy and that if we would have continued for me to throw the paper, it would have fallen on the main roads and distracted passing drivers. This risk could have resulted in accidents and fatal consequences. Therefore I decided to just have shot the tearing up of the paper and leave the filming of the pieces being thrown away to avoid any of these hazards. Once the paper had been ripped up, I responsibly placed the remains in a bin.

 2. Over the process of filming, most of the college tripods were out for hire, which meant we didn’t        have the use of one for quite some time of our filming. It was risky protecting the camera hand held but I ensured that it was used in a safe environment and the cinematographer was not making any sudden movements and un intentionally the handheld camerawork actually worked very well within the final video edit as we synced jolts in with the beats.

3. Whilst ‘First Time’ was evenly filmed both Interior and Exterior, we always had that risk concern for the weather forecast. The weather conditions could have caused film plans to change or caused cancellation of filming overall. However the only weather interruption we had was the wind in point 1.

4. Inappropriate locations – For tears studio shots we couldn’t manage to find a big enough back drop to cover the cameras footage. Therefore our shots were not as successful as we would have liked them to be but they still worked well in the video and editing could easily sort it out.

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